Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Peapod of Amsterdam?

Annie's back droppin bombs on ya!

Just kidding everyone! I did however want to let you know I have been so greatful for our families helper Meip, I have decided to let her be a guestwriter on my blog! I have to apologize in advance as she does not have an excellent grasp on using a macbook, or the english language but ENJOY!

Hello! Im Meip and i worked with Otto Frank at his pectin warehouse before they moved in to the "Penthouse suite" that is the top floor of this shithole. Captain Frank ended up reassigning me to the watchtower/fetching bitch department. My responsibilites include but are sure as shit not limited to:
Fetching groceries
Changing that fuckin cats litterbox
Fetching a cardboard box for Anne to sit on constantly (i dont get that one, but Otto said it will be useful later on in her life)
Make sex with Otto when hes had enough of his wife and Mr. Van Pels

Lifes a real big pain in the ass at this point. My husband is always wondering why im out and about what with all these soliders marching their faggot asses around. I believe he feels as tho im cheating on him, but in all honesty im stuck at the local waldbaums waiting for the stockboy to come back with a box of fresh off the truck Captain Crunchberries. Theyre Margots favorite, and since shes really got nothing going for her in the looks department ill stick it out for her and make her happy. I really do enjoy helping people tho, but the grocery lists for this place have been out of control as of late. Lets be QUITE FRANK here people, if you had to chase down a street vendor for a few years worth of weinerschnitzel, gefilte fish, potato latkas and rye bread you'd be just as fucking furious as i am. Its not like they are going out on the town any time soon and they wont have much to bitch at when i start dropping off Chef Burnardee in front of the bookcase.

I'll be checking in as much as possible with you guys, just as long as Anne's not dyking out on Chatroulette or whatever.

The inspiration for Peapod has left the building.


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